Archivo del Autor: alreguelajat

4.2 Identidad Judía: el modelo ultra ortodoxo o haredí, un estado dentro de otro Estado.

Rabi Yehoshua Pfeffer define a los judíos ultra ortodoxos o “haredim” como aquellos que sostienen que para preservar la integridad de lo que ellos consideran “el verdadero judaísmo” hay que desconectarse del mundo exterior y de su realidad, y practicar … Seguir leyendo

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1.3.Shalosh Regalim, las peregrinaciones que reafirmaron el sentimiento comunitario.

Shalosh Regalim, «las tres peregrinaciones», es el nombre que se les da a tres festividades judías, Pésaj, Shavuot y Sucot, durante las cuales los judíos acostumbraban peregrinar al Templo de Jerusalem para presentar ofrendas. Después de la destrucción del Segundo Templo, obviamente este peregrinaje ya no pudo continuar … Seguir leyendo

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9.1. Mitzvoth for all: The Laws of Noah, a Common Base for Jews and Gentiles.

There are seven commandments that the rabbinical tradition considers as the minimum moral obligation of all men. Jews must observe all of the 613 commandments of the Torah, but those Gentiles who accept these seven obligations, are considered “Children of … Seguir leyendo

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8.1. Creation: The Place Where Religion and Science Meet.

It is written in the first verses of the book of Genesis: “1. In the beginning (Hebrew: “Breishit”) God created the heavens and the earth. 2. And the earth was not formed and empty, and the darkness was on the … Seguir leyendo

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7.1. Torah She Bealpe: The Wisdom that Evolves from Teacher to Student.

When the Bible, our Tanach, was completed, Judaism entered a new era. The Jews no longer had to depend on the prophets to know the word of God. Now they had the written Torah and the rabbis and scholars interpreted … Seguir leyendo

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6.1. 613 Commandments: The Real Prize After Being Released from Egypt.

Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky says: “The true essence of the Redemption, the departure of the Hebrews from Egypt, is not the passage from slavery to freedom, but rather the acquisition and promulgation of a body of laws that dignifies, sanctifies and … Seguir leyendo

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5.1. Pikuach Nefesh: To Fulfill this Commandment, it is Sometimes Necessary to Violate Another.

In Judaism, the preservation of human life takes priority over almost all the commandments. The Talmud emphasizes this principle by quoting the verse from Leviticus 18: 5 which says, «Therefore you will keep my statutes and my laws, by which … Seguir leyendo

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4.1. They Gave Us the Questions of the Final Exam Beforehand.

No one likes final exams. And even less if it is at the moment when we are ending our days on this world. The good news is that they gave us the questions in advance. God does not like to … Seguir leyendo

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3.1 Hillel Taught Us While We Were Standing on One Foot, Al Reguel Ajat.

Chapter 31a. of the Shabbat treaty in the Talmud gives us several examples of how Hillel related to the Gentiles, his non-Jewish neighbors. A first story tells of two Gentiles who had bet 400 Zuz to see who could make … Seguir leyendo

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3.2. Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Los cambios vienen de la gente no de los rabinos.

El rabino Nathan Lopes Cardozo (1946) es el fundador y decano de la Academia “David Cardozo” en Jerusalem. Originario de los Países Bajos, Rabí Cardozo estudió en varias yeshivot ultraortodoxas, como la Yeshivah Gateshead en Inglaterra, la Mirrer Yeshiva en … Seguir leyendo

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